The Mystery of Crown Gems in The Elder Scrolls Online

In the realm of The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), Crown Gems serve as a valuable currency that opens doors to a plethora of exclusive items and conveniences. These coveted gems can be obtained through various means, including in-game activities, real-money purchases, and Twitch drops. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or a budding explorer, understanding the intricacies of Crown Gems can significantly enhance your ESO experience.

Earning Crown Gems Through In-Game Activities

While Crown Gems can be purchased directly with cheap ESO gold, there are also several ways to acquire them within the game itself. Here are some primary methods to earn Crown Gems in ESO:

Deconstructing Duplicate Items: When you receive duplicate items from Crown Crates, you can deconstruct them into Crown Gems. This option is particularly beneficial for unwanted Furnishings and consumables.

Completion Rewards: Certain in-game achievements and challenges may grant Crown Gems as rewards. These rewards often require dedication and skill, making them a testament to your ESO prowess.

Crown Crate Rewards: Opening Crown Crates offers a chance to obtain Crown Gems directly. While not guaranteed, this method can be a rewarding experience, especially when luck is on your side.

Utilizing Crown Gems for Valuable Items

Crown Gems provide access to a wide range of desirable items in ESO, including:

Exclusive Motif Styles: Crown Gems can be used to purchase unique Motif Styles, allowing you to customize your character's armor and weaponry with intricate designs and patterns.

Non-Combat Pets: Add a touch of charm to your ESO adventure by acquiring non-combat pets using Crown Gems. These adorable companions can accompany you on your travels, adding a whimsical touch to your gameplay.

Instant All Researches: This invaluable option allows you to instantly research all traits for a specific crafting skill line, saving you time and effort in acquiring essential skills.

Crown Mimic Stones: These items can be converted into style materials, enabling you to craft Furnishings and other items with specific aesthetic styles.

Acquiring Crown Gems Through Twitch Drops

Twitch Drops offer an exciting way to earn Crown Gems without directly spending money. Simply watch ESO-related streams on Twitch during designated periods, and you’ll be eligible to receive Crown Crate rewards, which may include Crown Gems.

Optimizing Crown Gem Usage

To maximize the value of your Crown Gems, consider these strategies:

Prioritize Items with High Market Value: Focus on acquiring items with substantial value in the in-game economy. This allows you to trade or sell these items for Elder Scrolls Online gold, effectively converting your Crown Gems into valuable currency.

Utilize Crown Gems for Items You'll Use Frequently: Instead of purchasing items on a whim, prioritize those that you'll find useful and enjoyable throughout your ESO journey. This ensures that your Crown Gems are invested in items that enhance your gameplay experience.


Crown Gems play a significant role in ESO, providing players with a variety of options for customization, convenience, and unique rewards. By understanding the different ways to acquire and utilize Crown Gems, you can make informed decisions that maximize their value and enhance your ESO experience. Whether you choose to earn them through in-game activities, purchase them directly, or gather them through Twitch Drops, Crown Gems offer a gateway to a world of possibilities in the enchanting realm of ESO.